Its been a while kan? Hmm, I know I'm busy now. SPM is around the corner. But I think I'm ready. Gosh, what happened to me? Anisa, please stop pretending. I know you don't love me but tell me face to face. Don't make anything stupid. Gosh, I'm totally regret when I accept you in my life. Now you like shit in my life. but tak sampai hati nak meletakkan ketepi. karang ada pula mulut busuk cakap "kau buat dia macam sampah" hmm. dah biasa dah dengar tu. Its better being in relationship with someone who are not in the same school. haih, why can't I get her heart? Its been a year okay? but why she being like kawan je. Doesn't she know that I love her? sometimes I feel she's gettin far with me. I don't know why, maybe because I have girlfriend? Maybe she doesn't want involve with me if I have girlfriend. If that is the answer, I can do anything. but I don't have the answer. and now she's getting closer with her ex! repeat ex! gosh, why this can be happening? and her ex is my friend. hmm, you know it hurts me. you can laugh out loud if you read this cause you could think that I'm desperate. gosh, I want to tell you that I love you so much, its become much more when you're not around me. Why you can't realize it? and my friend you know i love her and why you take she away from me? I respect you at first because you can be her's but now my respect to you has gone. I don't know what to do. Now is your time maybe next is my time. when its my time, i'll show you who are the hero in this story!