Thursday 19 February 2009


i'm kinda scared about my result. i didn't study at all. tu lah, main bola je keje. hmm, fizik is damn easy also add maths. but, chemistry and bio, i didn't remember the formula. haih. history is so damn bored, how come dee love history ? haha, she's weird ain't she ?
hmm, i also scared if my crush taken with somebody else. she keep talking about one of my friends. haih, i'm so menyesal kenalkan mereka berdua. my friends tu pun always ask about her. haih, i don't to be middle person. i'm tired of this. haih. i love my crush and i care about my friends. what should i do?

Tuesday 10 February 2009

like OMG

next month ada test? haih, kene study semua. haih, tape. nk jadi engineer punya pasal. btw, science stream tak susah wey :) dee masuk lah science stream. best gila. you kan nk jadi doctor. to afiq, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY.
sorry ah en? baling tepung kat kau. mase kau tgh study. haha, sorry gila.

Tuesday 3 February 2009


lame gila tak post kan? haha, cause baru balik holiday. agak best lah holiday, my family mcm dh together balik. and kakak pun ada balik sini cause holiday jugak. yeah, best lahh :) but yg tak best nya abang ah, grr. buat masalah je. and smpai sini je trus call budak b. haha, dia tak smpai sini lagi oh. then mcm risau ah cause dia ckp smpai 3.50 pm but smpai pukul 9.00 pm. pergh delay lama gila. but atleast dpt jugak ckp dengan dia. rindu gila. haha, dia ckp mummy dia dh jumpa menantu. pergh, melepas lah aku. haha. but tape, lama lagi dia nk kawin. so boleh kumpul duit byk2. haha. masuk meminang :P first come first serve. ha ha ha.