Monday 15 December 2008

This post is for Diana :)

haha, i nk describe you again? setelah beberapa bulan kenal kan? makin lama makin rapat.
okay, first thing i want to say to you that I'm glad cause I get such a nice person like you to be my friends. Yeah, you're adorable and girly :P Look at your look, it so girly but bila tau perangai YEAH! bukan girly lah :P haha. sorry cause I hate snapping picture. so we don't have our picture together. haha, Diana is such a nice person. Don't you judge her, by a cover. She's not like her look at all. Seriously. I know she always act like gedik or wtv. haha, well she's a girl, every girl have their own gedikness. Am i rite? Well, she love Man Utd. She really want my sidekick but sorry its stolen :( but i'm not changing my phone num okay? :) and i was havin fun with you all the time. i really meant it. I wish i can spent my time with you. But, too bad our house is farfar away :P I love to hanging out with you, but i know you don't really have time because of the tuiton and so on. I know lately I don't really call you and sms you. I'm busy with my family stuff. You know rite? Haha, Dengan you i can be my self. I can say anything i want and really being my real self. I know you also have a problems. I know even you put your smile. You just a speacial girl for me. You're a perfect for me. I would love to spend my whole life with you but i know i would't do that because this is just a word. Like you always say. Yeah, I know maybe someday we're not being like this. and Before that I wanna say that I'm happy being you friends and hope it gonna be forever. I love you friends <3


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. haha, Rindu kau lah busuk :P
    sorry lah en i ckp "kau aku" cause mcm blogging nie mcm best je ckp kau aku :)
    haha, you tau? tadi en i pegi RedBox. I nyanyi lagu youuu. haha, kelakar lah jugak en? aa, sumpah rindu you gila2 doe. i tak leh kluar :( ye lah en? nk PMR padahal u next year SPM. lgi truk. Eyhh, betul er Sidekick kene curi? haha, PADAN MUKA! i yg curi wey :P ceh, tade ah. main2 je. well, ape lagi nk ckp en before i off and tak on lagi kot. cause internet mcm sial :P eyy you, what ur opinion. Sidekick or e90? aaaaa, i confuse skang. my dad nk bg E90. haha, i nk sidekick en? :S eyy, how ur prom? sumpah gempak en? rugi gila i tak pg :( well now en? u mcm tak leh call i, sms i sume doe. i tade phone dh. but still have a num lah. sometimes i use muaaz's phone. but bila dia balik rumah opah, i nk gune phone ape en? tggu bday je :P
    okay lah byebye :)

  3. haha, ape lah :)
    i pun rindu you! haha, better sidekick wey.
    e90 lembap :)
    but if dpt u're so lucky :)
